Teruel city council installs a solar bench

The City Council of Teruel has installed in San Blas -one of the ten rural neighborhoods of the capital of Teruel- a bench that, in addition to being used to sit, allows charging the cell phone, lights up at night and has a wifi router to provide internet connection to the neighbors.

The bench is solar-powered and has been installed in the San Blas sports area. This is a pilot test that the Teruel City Council will extend to the rest of the rural neighborhoods if the initiative is in demand by the neighbors.

This type of benches are made in Aragon. The councilman of Rural Neighborhoods, Carlos Aranda, emphasizes that a plaque has also been placed with instructions for use in Braille, so that this service is accessible to blind people.

“In the coming days, we will place the wifi router and, if the neighbors use it and are satisfied, our intention is to bring these elements to all neighborhoods to energize sports and recreation areas and provide a new service in these areas of the city,” said Aranda.

The bench runs 100% on solar energy and has two USB ports for charging devices, a sealed battery to accumulate photovoltaic energy, a solar regulator, a twilight sensor, LED ambient lighting and a 30-watt monocrystalline photovoltaic panel.


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